• darkblurbg
    AI Strategy Support
    Navigating Policy, Ethics and Regulation of data-driven technologies

Vision. Leadership. Accountability.

Magna Carta supports companies and organisations in developing a successful AI & Big Data strategy. Through a policy based approach, we advise on managing the impact on trust, reputation and risk associated with the deployment of AI and other data-driven emerging technologies


Magna Carta advises on

  • Trust Building through dedicated policies and a strategic vision as the foundation for data-driven business ambitions.
  • Governance structures to ensure Accountability for the intended and unintended impact of technology deployment.
  • Leadership and technology stewardship to embody the values, mission and purpose of the company or organisation.
  • Activation of trust credentials toward political and regulatory stakeholders, the media and customers or citizens.


Vision, Leadership and Accountability are key elements of an open data culture supporting your AI & Data strategy whereby companies and organisations operate in sync with their own values and pro-actively engage with the expectations of stakeholders. This allows companies and organisations to strengthen brand reputation, attract the best talent, retain a motivated workforce, increase customers' willingness to share data, act as credible thought leaders and effective advocates in the public policy debate on ethics and regulation of AI, Big Data and other emerging technologies.

Our concept is unique as it blends technology public policy & strategy expertise with management consultancy.


As AI, Big Data and other emerging technologies race ahead of stakeholder expectations regarding privacy, security, control or reward, companies and organisations tread an increasingly thin line between data-driven ambitions and reputation drivers in their AI & Data strategy.

  • The majority of business leaders believe that AI & automation will negatively affect stakeholder trust in their industry in the next five years
  • Employee activism emerges as a force for accountability and ethical decision making
  • Controversy regarding emerging technology deployments has caused significant opportunity cost, brand damage and regulatory pressure.

Our services

Trust Management

Magna Carta provides you with a dashboard that allows you to de-risk your AI strategy. Our analysis will assess the level of accountability in the deployment of AI and other emerging technologies. We benchmark your performance against a number of inputs and advise on how to fill any gaps or weaknesses in governance and policies.

Stakeholder Engagement

Active involvement of stakeholders and employees constitutes an important input for a sustainable policy and positioning around emerging technology. Reaching out and engaging opinion-formers that are closest to you demonstrates senior management stewardship as part of an open data culture. Magna Carta advises on engagement strategies and offers professionally moderated discussion formats.

Vision, Policy & Strategy

Magna Carta prepares materials that outline your vision, policy or strategy on technology policy issues that concern you, your customers and other stakeholders most. We incorporate the latest intelligence from the political, ethics and regulatory debate and how this impacts key assumptions underlying your business strategy around AI and other emerging technologies.

Public Affairs & Communications

Magna Carta provides a range of public affairs & communications services to activate your AI strategy & vision. We engage you in the public debate around governance of emerging technologies and create recognition of your credentials. We advise on opportunities to foster regulations, standards and government policies that support your business strategy
