• darkblurbg

Magna Carta provides you with a dashboard to assess the impact on trust, reputation and risk when implementing a business strategy around AI & Big Data. We analyse the level of customer centricity, due diligence and accountability in your strategy by scoring your practical approach to technology development and deployment against:

  • company or organisational core values, purpose and technology principles
  • expectations of stakeholders including your own employees
  • the socio-economic impact of your algorithms
  • best practices and trends across the industry

Exposure to reputational damage arises when strategies around emerging technology are perceived to contradict core company values, infringe the corporate code of conduct or the company purpose.

Risk emerges if you claim to operate on the basis of certain technology principles and our assessment shows that the way you choose to implement these principles by internal governance processes significantly lags industry best practice, sector guidelines or stakeholder expectations regarding accountability.

Even if development of emerging technology applications is in line with principles or best practice, actual business decisions regarding the purpose for which applications are deployed or to whom solutions are sold, for example in the case of government contracts, may still be politically or ethically controversial.

The level of socio-economic impact of your technology, for example of AI algorithms, is another indicator of risk related to the acceptability of technology deployment.

The Trust Management module helps conscious decision-making and priority setting based on informed trade offs regarding risk and opportunity in your strategy as it evolves over time. The output and underlying analyses of this module will be formatted so it is interoperable with your existing reputation and risk management KPIs.



Board level deck & Recommendations

Stakeholder Survey

Algorithm Impact Assessment

Benchmarks & Facts
