• darkblurbg

Magna Carta develops a strategic vision that covers public policy issues that are most pertinent to your AI & Data strategy and to the interests of your customers and other stakeholders. It puts your strategic ambitions for emerging technology deployment into a wider socio-economic context and reinforces your mission and core values. Where feasible, the vision may be holistic and include the full mix of emerging technologies that are being developed and deployed.

Magna Carta prepares Vision, Policy & Strategy materials based on the latest intelligence from the public policy, ethics and regulatory debate. We also incorporate the output of the trust management analysis and the feedback from the stakeholder engagement discussions. Materials are formatted depending on your specific needs: a manifesto, policy report, white paper, board decks, internal company policies or guidelines. The materials are living documents and will be updated and localised to take account of the latest state in the public policy debate and of geo-political differences, where feasible.

The materials may serve as the basis for:

  • C-level executives public positioning
  • communications key messages for PR, internal communications, investor relations and marketing communications
  • public affairs and regulatory priorities
  • crisis management
  • employee engagement and motivation
  • ‘ethics-by-design’ policies & guidelines
  • product development and customer value propositions


Board level deck

Corporate Story Line

Policy Report

White Paper


Company public policies & guidelines
